Using the SHOPAI platform, you can count on attractive bonuses from Google. You will receive your ad budget expenses within the first 2 months as a coupon to use in subsequent months. Within SHOPAI, the limit of these expenses is 1200 PLN. Only new advertisers who have not used Google Ads so far receive the coupon. More about the rules of granting and functioning of coupons can be found in the terms and conditions of the offer.
Example: You are a new Google Ads user. Within SHOPAI in the first month you spent 900 PLN net, in the second month you also spent 900 PLN net on the advertising budget. In total, you spent 1800 PLN in the first two months, which is more than the maximum coupon limit, so you will receive a coupon with a maximum value of 1200 PLN to spend on advertising within 60 days. This coupon SHOPAI will automatically add to your account and you won’t pay your advertising budget until it is used or for 60 days – whichever comes first.
It sounds complicated, but you will see the total cost of advertising (paid by you and those paid with the coupon) within the SHOPAI dashboard and in your Google Ads account.
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